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Citizen-Science Global Surface-Water-Quality Database & Map (Coming Soon)

A new online tool called the Water Quality Index Calculator is available from KnowYourH2O that can be used globally to provide a 'grade' for surface water quality as part of a watershed monitoring, surface water monitoring and assessment program, citizen science, lake monitoring, or source water assessment tool. We are all familiar with the traditional A, B, C, D, and F grading system provided by educational systems globally, but this tool is different! It applies similar 'grading' logic to nine specific water quality measurement variables as known determinants of quality. Unlike previous tools, this allows the user to enter Secchi depth (disc) reading or turbidity.

The new KnowYourH2O Water Quality Index Calculator Tool's calculations are based on the original WQI Calculator developed via scientific consensus in the 1970s by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). The calculator page will provide users with the information they need to accurately sample and provide the exact measurements the tool needs for accuracy. In the case of total phosphorus of phosphate, the tool can accept either of these values; however, the user must indicate which is being provided, which is similar for Total Nitrogen or Nitrate. For each input factor, a Q-value (quality value) for each parameter is calculated and applied to the overall Water Quality Index calculation.The tool can be added to a mobile device as a part of new app functionality from KnowYourH2O.com by scanning a QR code.

Water Quality Index Data Map

Using this logic, we can quantify and grade surface waters in relation to one another across the globe using a standardized set of criteria.

What is also unique about this new tool is that it does not require all these factors to be available and input to grade the water; however, more accuracy is provided based on the greater number of variables provided. The user also provides location information and whether the data being entered is for test or actual data purposes. This will allow the KnowYourH2O.com team to map quality information globally over time as additional 'actual' data is provided.

Since it was released for beta testing in mid- 2023, the tool has been used more than 6,000 times across more than 67 different countries with citizen scientists, students, and others from 20 countries providing actual water quality data (as of July 2024).

Teams use this tool for:

• Watershed Monitoring
• Surface Water Monitoring
• Assessment Programs
• Citizen Science
• Lake, Stream, and Reservoir Source Water Assessment Monitoring
• Educating Children and Public Outreach

The Keystone Clean Water Team is seeking support to update this tool and develop an online map of the findings.(Please Review their Gofundme Campaign)

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